
mini-news exampleA small 'site news' script is another one of those things you often find 'built in' with a large, multi-function script.

But sometimes you don't need or want a complex integrated script, all you want is a simple little piece of php code you can add to some pages of your site where the value of the parameters defines whether you show all categories of news, or a specific sub-set; include news 'header' or not; and display posting date or not.

An example snippet is as follows:

$parms = "0:1:1";// parameters

A single configuration file allows you to adjust colours/fonts and various parameters used by the script with no need to edit script files.

Script Features

  • Generated code is XHTML 1.0 compliant
  • Allows multiple categories of news items
  • Shows all news or selected sub-set of news
  • Allows HTML code in news descriptions
  • Allows your definition of posting date format
  • Can be placed anywhere on your pages
  • Requires only a two-line php include on your page(s)
  • Download package includes mininews editor [password protected]
  • Works with register_globals off

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